Fashion · Life

You Are Loved, Immensely…

This post started out as 10 things I love about ME. No, not because I am conceited and want to show the world how great I am but because I was having an insecure day and needed a prompt reminder of the great little parts that make me whole. The little cogs that keep me running and make me special. I want to engage you into thinking about yourself about the things that make you amazing and therefore think about attributes that make your neighbour, the stranger next to you beautiful. Think of this as an exercise in being kind to yourself and as an extension, be kind to those around you.

I tried to not only consider the values and character traits that brought me here but also my physical attributes, as we all know, It is easy to dislike your body over something as little as cellulite when this same body can walk, can hold those you love close and can embrace a broken friend.

Here goes, A few things I love about you, Buhle

  1. Your sense of adventure and bravery. – I think I miss this about you. You used to be more fun and free spirited and not weighed down by responsibility. I remember how you were a nomad, refusing to grow moss and in the space of a year you lived in 3 cities and moved at the drop of a hat and at the sound of adventure calling your name.
  2. Your sense of humour – Ok, I can’t think of a joke right now but I have learned to laugh at myself, laugh at my pain. Laugh about the dark and uncomfortable things that I let happen in my space and make other people laugh with me because hey, it makes me more relatable and gives you perspective, right?
  3. Your sense of Self – Childless 30 something year old. That is not so rare, right? I knew I didn’t want kids when I was young and I have kept them at bay because right now my life is about raising ME!!! …and I am a slow bloomer.
  4. Your willingness to grow into your skin, I think this is flexibilty– I know myself but I am not set in my ways. I have learned to adapt in order to survive. I have developed in my career over the years, not necessarily something I am passionate about but I have adapted and learned to love this career choice and I am making it work, my way.
  5. You are your people’s number one fan – I understand loyalty and understand that different people bring different gifts into my life and they give those gifts to the world and I appreciate their qualities. This is not always easy when we are the same age group, and want succeed but it’s important to remember that we are not in competition, we are here to support each other and I have an amazing group of people that are in my corner and I support them right back. I would defend my best friends against an army with a spoon if I had to.
  6. Your commitment to your health and body – I know I abuse you with 200 squats, 10km runs and 100 crunches. It is not because I don’t like the way you look, on the contrary, I love you very much. All your curves, your ability to stand and walk and run and sprint. You allow me to jump into the ocean and swim. You enable me frolic in the sun and feel it on my golden brown skin. I said frolic.
  7. Your intelligence – I know this sounds conceited but I’ve lasted this long in an ever changing, complex career without ever feeling like a failure. I read. I can carry conversations and debates well.20160910_182838
  8. Quirky and Fun… this doesn’t not require explanation. If you are in circle, you will know this and agree or face banishment.
  9. You are honest – I have found that this helps me sleep better at night. I am honest to my people and it has not broken any relationships that I hold dear. There is something about speaking your truth that allows you to carry on with life knowing you did your best.
  10. Your Mane, Your Crown, Your hair – I am my hair and my hair is me. I am a part of everything that makes me complete. I am yet to understand this hair or survive a week without thinking of chopping it off .We have a love hate relationship however, I feel like it separates me from the rest. It was not easy learning to live with you but it was not tough to learn to love you as you are. I feel the same way about my entire being.
  11. Your ability to listen without judging – I think this means a lot to my friends, I am open minded. I get that we are on different trajectories to the same destination and my part is to bear witness and say that you lived and you existed. yes, you were here. Not to judge the choices you have made simply because they are not mine to make.

    I love this picture – I look so unready, so unrehearsed. 
  12. You are artistic – This clashes a lot with my logical side and I don’t give a much time dedicated to this side of myself but I am creative and I think I should learn to complete the artsy projects I have started. That includes this blog. Post more. This is my outlet. I feel like this outlet will be my gateway to discovering other imaginative activities I can partake in.
  13. Your stubbornness – This has gotten me out of more trouble over the years than I care to admit, however,  this is also where my ability to say “no” without second guessing myself came from and that has saved me from a log of peer pressure and feeling used and abused. This also gave me the ability to refuse to partake in activities that go against my morals.
  14. My idealism – I daydream and I dream big. My dreams scare me. I have recently learned something I want to share with you. While trying to figure my life out, I read something that went along these lines -Don’t say “I can’t do it”, your mind stops trying to find ways of doing it and admits defeat, but if you say “How can I do it?’, allow your mind to start looking for solutions and start making plans.


Make your own list, share here and take stock of how seriously fricking awesome you are, inside and out.


About this oufit

Knitted Jersey – Zara

Lace Dress(It is a sleeveless dress and not a skirt) – Superbalist

Jacket – Refinery

Boots – Legit

Accessories – Lovisa



6 thoughts on “You Are Loved, Immensely…

  1. i’m such a bad friend, i have not had time to check out your blog and so today when i accidentally bumped into this i couldn’t help but smile reading through this because this is all you and more.your sense of humor always brightens up my gloomy days and those times when we sit and laugh at our own problems because well… that’s exactly who you are and i love all of this person you have just gossiped about in this blog.


    1. My sense of humor, I think I am dark and twisty (Meredith Grey voice) We find it easy to laugh at ourselves because deep down we are not as grown as we let the world think we are. We are just girls with tantrums navigating adulthood.

      I love you too my friend. I think people around me make me funny. You bring out the crazy.


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